World Spay Day
Today is World Spay Day. Each year World Spay Day draws attention to the importance of spaying and neutering pets.
So far this year we have seen far too many dogs come through our doors who have been used for breeding including two Dachshunds, Nelly and Molly. Both were still producing milk when they were found, and had clearly been neglected. Molly, in particular, was severely underweight and had patches of hair loss.
We even saw four Dachshund pups, including Circle and Sphere, abandoned in a cardboard box. Even these desirable breeds are being abandoned at a rate we have never seen before.
When dogs are not neutered, we see an increase in unwanted and unsold litters, like Circle and Sphere, and in the mothers we see in increase in medical issues such as mastitis, pyometra and phantom pregnancies. Spaying your dog can eliminate most of these issues.
Circle and Sphere have now been rehomed, and will be spayed when they are old enough. Molly has also found a new home, has now been spayed, and does happy squiggles on a sofa of her own now she doesn’t have any pups to care for. Nelly is still up for adoption, and is booked in for her spay, so she can no longer be exploited for breeding.