All Dogs Matter | Roxy
All Dogs Matter


Breed: Labrador Shepherd Cross

Age: 7 months

Gender: Female

Location: in the UK under care of Spanish Death Row Dogz

Can Roxy live with cats? No cats please

Can Roxy live with dogs? Would like to be the only dog in the home please

Can Roxy live with children? She could live with older children of 12+

More about Roxy:

Roxy’s Foster carer says:
“She truly is a wonderful dog, incredibly bright, eager to please, loving and affectionate and very well behaved in the house, she shows no signs of typical puppy behaviours. She doesn’t chew (other than her chew toys) she isn’t scared of the weather, she goes in her crate for down time, sleeps through the whole night without a peep! She is just not used to living on a main road, so she is quite anxious when going outside on walks, which with a big dog can be challenging.When she meets new people or dogs, she’ll give a few barks, but she’s on their laps within 5 minutes ”

Labrador Cross, Shepherd Cross
7 months
Can live with children over 12, Can't live with cats, Can't live with other dogs
Available for adoption

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