Dear Friend,Welcome to our March update. Sadly like many other charities across the UK, we are completely full with dogs at our kennels and in foster homes. This is largely the result of a huge increase in dog breeding and ownership across lockdown, and the sharp decrease in demand for dogs now. We are seeing many more dogs being surrendered by breeders if they can’t sell litters or from owners who don’t research or misunderstand the reality of pet ownership. This trend has had a huge impact on our funding and our capacity to take in more dogs. Thanks to your ongoing support we can continue to be there for the dogs that need us. In this issue, and as Mother’s Day approaches, we highlight the stories of pups Susie and Pamela, two mums used for breeding and whose lives would have been very different without our help and your generous support. Read on for some ways you can show your mum or a special person in your life you care, whether it’s sending a card or gift from our merchandise range or giving a virtual gift to our dogs to ensure they get the vital treatment and care they need while they wait for their forever homes. |