All Dogs Matter | Lockdown fuels cruel puppy farm trade – our statement
All Dogs Matter

Lockdown fuels cruel puppy farm trade – our statement

Like many other rescue charities across the UK, we have seen a big increase in the number of people looking for puppies and dogs to adopt and buy during the pandemic. There has been a marked rise in calls to our charity about puppies particularly, with individuals and families keen to buy or adopt in what is seen as the perfect time to settle a dog into a new home.
Sadly, this demand has led to a shortage of puppies in the UK, which has fuelled a darker side to the puppy trade, with unscrupulous breeders selling desirable breeds like Cockapoos for up to £2,500 and French Bulldog puppies for up to £4,000, a huge rise in prices before lockdown.

As a dog rescue charity we are deeply concerned about this worrying trend that is helping to fuel the cruel puppy farm trade and smuggling from overseas and encourage anyone thinking about getting a puppy or dog to consider waiting to get a new dog until demand eases and think about adopting rather than shopping for a new pet. We appreciate that there are fewer dogs in rescue shelters as demand outstrips supply, and this is a trend we are seeing in own shelter, however it is critical that the welfare of these animals is put first. We also encourage buyers to consider their long-term plans over home working as although now may seem the right time to get a new companion, dogs can suffer from separation anxiety if they get used to constant company and attention. Indeed, we anticipate a rise in unwanted dogs ending up in shelters after the pandemic eases and individuals return to working away from home.

Please remember that a dog is for life, not just for lockdown. Getting a dog can be a hugely rewarding experience but it can be a 15+ year commitment so please do your research so you can make an informed decision.