Wendy and Wrigley’s Story

Earlier this week we received a call about Wendy and Wrigley, a beautiful pair of Pocket Bullies who had been used for breeding and were living in appalling conditions. We are full to capacity, but when we heard their story, we knew we had to act. Wendy and Wrigley were kept in tiny cages in puddles of their own urine. Their nails are overgrown as they have barely been walked, their skin is covered in sores and they are severely underweight and emaciated. These dogs deserve better.
They are now safe in kennels undergoing veterinary treatment and we will be looking for a foster or forever home for them where they can continue their recovery. Despite everything they have been through, their tails continue to wag and they are still sweet natured dogs who love affection.
We are seeing many more cases of severe neglect just like Wendy and Wrigley. During the summer holidays particularly, the number of calls we receive has vastly increased – many people are going away and no longer want their dogs, or their working hours have changed and they no longer have the time or desire to keep them. We believe that more needs to be done to prevent dogs being exploited and mistreated, and ending irresponsible sales of dogs online. Dogs are coming to us after suffering trauma and developing behavioural issues, and this can make it them so much harder to rehome them.
Please remember Wendy and Wrigley, and help us spread awareness of the crisis that is currently happening on our doorstep. We are supposed to be a nation of dog lovers, but this is what our charity is faced with everyday.